Samp and Beans with Lamb in a white bowl
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Curried Samp and Beans with Lamb

I remember my mum cooked this Curried Samp and Beans with Lamb, often, when I was still a young lady, living at home. As with everything else my mum cooked I  gave her a hard time with this dish too, me and my picky eating.

Curried Samp and Beans with Lamb

As the years went by I discovered just how delicious this Curried Samp and Beans with Lamb really was. Only now I don’t eat lamb but I still cook it for my kids.

This is basically lamb curry with the addition of the samp and beans. I don’t use a lot of canned goods in my cooking.

However, with the situation right now I think it’s a good idea to have recipes using canned food,  we never know when we are going to need them. For this recipe I used the Woolworths canned Samp and Beans.

I haven’t gone crazy stockpiling but I did buy a few extra canned food, just in case. My pharmacist asked me to stock up on an extra month’s supply of my chronic medication. That’s about it.

It’s shocking how some people have cleared the shelves, leaving nothing for others. That’s sad because even in a crisis situation we should give some consideration to others. Especially those that don’t have the money to buy tons of food at once.

For those that don’t know what samp is, it is dried corn kernels. It’s stamped and chopped until it’s broken. It is South African food and not as fine as mealie-meal or mealie-rice.

Although I have used a few pieces of lamb for this dish, you can use other meat if you wish. You can keep it vegetarian too, if you wish.

For the vegetarian version add a can of mixed vegetable (or add fresh veggies) instead of the lamb and reduce the amount of spices.

The lamb does take a while to cook as I really like it soft and tender. Otherwise it’s a fairly simple dish to cook.

This is cooked the Indian way so it is spicy. But not overly spicy. I remember my sisters were over at my place a couple of years ago and I decided to cook Samp and Beans with Lamb for them.

I cooked a huge pot and there were no leftovers, everyone raved about it. My niece was even looking for some the next morning, hoping she could have some for breakfast….haha!

You have to try this dish to know just how delicious it is.

If you do try this recipe please drop me a comment and a star rating. It is always appreciated.

More Recipe to try:

Lamb Biryani

Spicy Lamb Kebab Chutney

Simple Lamb Chops Chutney

Curried Samp and Beans with Lamb

Spicy and delicious samp and beans cooked with tender pieces of lamb
5 from 2 votes
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour 15 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine South African
Servings 4


  • 3 x 400 gram canned Samp and Beans
  • 300 gram lamb pieces on the bone
  • 3 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 1 onion finely chopped
  • 1 star aniseed
  • 2 bay leaf
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 sprig curry leaf
  • 2 tsp ginger/garlic paste
  • 2 tbsp masala
  • 1 tsp kashmiri chilli powder
  • 1/2 tsp ground fennel/soomph
  • 1/2 tsp turmeric
  • 1 tsp garam masala
  • 1 Roma Tomato skin removed and grated
  • salt
  • coriander for garnishing


  • Heat the oil in a pot. Add the cinnamon stick, bay leaf and star aniseed and fry for a minute until fragrant
  • Add the onion and curry leaf. Saute until the onion is golden brown
  • Add the ginger/garlic paste and fry for a minute
  • Add the masala, turmeric, chilli powder, ground fennel and garam masala. Mix well and fry the spices for a further minute. Add a few drops of water if required
  • Add the lamb and cook for 10 minutes. Add the grated tomato and cook for a further 10-15 minutes or until the tomatoes are cooked. Season with salt
  • Add a cup of water and allow the lamb to cook until soft and tender. Should take about an hour to cook. If lamb dries out before it's tender you can add more water
  • Rinse the samp and add it to the lamb. Mix well and if you require more gravy add a little more water. Allow it to cook for 5 minutes and turn off the heat


  1. You may require more or less water during cooking time, depending on the length of time the lamb takes to cook
  2. If you want it less spicy you can add less masala. I used a medium strength masala
  3. If you have the dried samp and beans you can use that instead. You will need to boil them until they are cooked before adding to the lamb
  4. I used 2 large pieces of lamb leg portions for this dish, you can use any lamb on the bone. The bone does add to the flavours of this dish
Keyword curried samp and beans, lamb samp beans, samp and beans, samp and beans with lamb
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  1. Hi there, I just want to commend you on your delicious recipes. Its amazing how every time I look for recipes I stumble across tamarind and thyme… I’ve tried your puri, soji and samp and mutton and its divine and flop proof… Thank you for the outsanding work….God bless…

    1. Thank you so much Priya. I am happy that you get to try my recipes so keep stumbling across my blog. You take care and keep safe:-)

  2. Hi. If i dont want to use canned samp and beans the how do i prep the dried samp as well as the beans. Thank you.

    1. Hi Khushi! You will have to boil your samp and beans as per package instructions. Unforturnately I live at high altitude so impossible to boil anything on the stovetop. We usually use a pressure cooker.

  3. Hi, u mentioned rinsing the samp, does this refer to the raw samp and not the canned samp.

    1. Hi! Yes i rinse my canned one, maybe not the right thing for everyone so you don’t have to.You have to rinse the raw samp too:-)

  4. Hey there

    I’m seeing that lamb is definitely not always a winner at home. What are thoughts on a chicken version of this ? Think it will work?

    1. I must be honest I have not tried it with chicken but I don’t see why it can’t work. I have made it as a veg version without the lamb and it was great:-)

  5. Hi Lorraine, u are such an incredible cook, I have been following ur recipes for the past 6 years and u have thought me so much more about cooking…Thank you and I have recommended u too so many family and friends 🧡

    1. Thank you so much for your kindness and for supporting my blog. I am so glad you are enjoying the recipes:-)

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